
DNA Project FAQ

  • Who is the target customers for the product?

    Our users are mainly B-end users and C-end users

    B-side users mainly include: luxury companies such as LV, Time of Paris, Gucci, Swiss watches, etc., traditional companies such as Starbucks, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Disney, Pop Mart, etc., various inspection organizations, authorization institutions, etc. 

     C-side users mainly include artists, masters, creators, individuals, cryptocurrency circle users, NFT users, users who use B-side products, web3 participants  

  • What are our industry barriers?

    The key to a WEB3 project lies in community operation and the timing of entry, which is a first-mover advantage in the cryptocurrency space. Our artificial intelligence algorithm was jointly developed by Dr. Cheng in collaboration with experts from Fudan University's Computer Vision Department. It features distinct matching algorithms for different materials. Adapting to each material requires not only high-tech expertise but also a significant amount of experimental time.

  • Main innovations compared to competitors?

    Decentralization of the casting and verification of physical objects. All operations do not require intermediary institutions. We use innovative computer microscopic vision comparison technology to scan details of physical objects 180 times to record and correspond to blockchain data, ensuring that physical objects are not replaced or forged.